Sunday, March 4, 2012

I am, Gabby. Gabol. Amira.

You can learn a lot about a woman by the contents of their vintage leather backpacks...

Well I guess the first matter of business when you write a Blog is to write a little about yourself… So here we go into the depths of my life and mind. Every secret, flaw, and problem of mine is now OURS. This is where our minds become one. You feel what I feel, and I feel what you feel. The strength of our new found connection will shake us to the core.

Ok.. well maybe it won’t be that intense but I’ll bet you 20 bucks it’ll be that FUN. That was a lie. I don’t have 20 bucks and it isn’t going to be fun. In fact I doubt you’d be even vaguely interested in my countless bantering on this blog. In fact, I’ll bet you 1 penny that you’ll hate every word that I type;
Starting NOW!



Well that was terrible. What an awful word this “Epic”. I hate it. You hate it. I think we can all agree that we hate the word Epic. I’m glad we cleared that up. You owe me a penny. It may not seem like much but it’ll add up. Just you wait and see ;)

This Blog is starting to sound nonsensical, so I'll stop rambling now. So who am I? Am I just some random girl writing about pointless things on the Internet? YES. Should you not waste your time reading this pathetic excuse of a Blog and do something a little more productive with your life? PROBABLY. What I'm trying to say is, this blog is more for me and much more less for you (Whoever YOU are. Cousin I never knew about, ex-lover, Guy with a beard, 2 Girls 1 Cup person, Circus clown...) The point of this whole blog is for me to write out my random thoughts and to spread them throughout the inter-webs; for no apparent reason other then making an attempt at emptying my cluttered mind every once in a while. If you like it great. If you don’t, why have you even read this far? Get lost lingerer. You can’t wait around here for something juicy to come up. Shoo!

Allow me to continue..

I figure your sitting patiently reading this waiting for me to start to tell you a little about myself. But I'd like to try a little experiment..

 I remember when I first watched the movie The Incredibles. It was one of my favorite Pixar films.
Anyway, there was a certain saying that had caught my attention that they mentioned in the movie:
"You can learn a lot about a woman by the contents of their purse" ..

It had me thinking can you really learn a lot about a woman by looking through her purse? So lets try and bust this saying.
Myth-Buster’s style!

So today I will be showing you the contents of my "Purse" (In my case a backpack).
Here I neatly laid out what had been laying in my bag for the past couple of months;

Red Lipstick
My Man Wallet
Mini Notepad&Pen
Pocket Knife

So what do you think? Have you learned anything worthwhile from the contents of my bag?
Probably not.

I'll take that this saying is officially half-way BUSTED. So since that was a complete waste of time let me start off by saying this: You cannot tell “a lot” about a person from just the contents of their bags.
Mostly cause I know that I hardly even use half the stuff in my bag.

Notebook&pen: Used occasionally. Holds songs I hear and want to remember while I’m out. And Lists of things I need to remember to do.

Man Wallet: lets just say most of my money ends up crumpled and thrown at the bottom of my backpack or in my pocket. Usually contains old movie ticket stubs and old business cards from the local psychic in my neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY.

Red Lipstick: I used it only once. It was when I was home alone and extremely bored. I wanted to drink my Diet Coke in a wine glass with red lipstick on, and a cigar in the one hand. I also wanted to be wearing a little Fascinator headpiece and fur scarf. It had sounded much grander in my mind. Except I had no Cigar, Fascinator or fur scarf. It was a failed attempt at getting that black&white, Olden-day, “MOVIE MOMENT” But I kept the lipstick ever since.

Pocket knife: Ever since I saw the movie 127 hours, I feel like I always need it with me..

Watchmen: Reading it. I'm a little more then half way through.

Nook: I have a couple of books downloaded, mostly for school.

Cellphone&Charger: Usually use it all the time. But recently I’ve been forgetting that I even own one.

Camera: I pull it out when I see something Interesting, amusing or just a moment that I want to freeze and remember. A picture speaks a thousand words!

So I hope I’ve wasted a good five minutes of your life, while you learned hardly anything at all about myself. Except my pure hatred for the word “epic”. Was it worth it? Cause you can never get those five minutes back. Never. You good? Great!

I guess it’s time for me to bid you all adieu...
Until next time fellow blogger and Blog-ee’s. (Totally just made up that word)
